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Strategies for Promoting Wellbeing in the Company

The concepts of worker well-being and health have had different meanings over time, initially relating only to material support given to one's workforce . Only recently has attention been paid to the quality of relationships between people within the company and in the work context.

In this article we will see how:

  • Create a positive and inclusive work environment

  • Promote work-life balance

  • Promote physical activity and physical health of employees

  • Stress management and promotion of mental well-being

But what is meant by workplace well-being today?

Workplace well-being means all those strategies, activities and solutions that an organization implements to promote and maintain the physical, psychological and social well-being of all workers who work within it.

We can define it as a virtuous circle composed of three interdependent factors:

  • by the individual, with his needs and requirements linked to both the working and extra-working environment;

  • by the group, which must coordinate as much as possible to achieve company objectives and make the most of working hours;

  • by the company, which contributes to creating the organizational climate by sharing its values with its people within.

The main factors that influence corporate well-being

Workplace well-being is closely interconnected to the relationship between collaborators and the organization. Surely everything starts from the company, from its values and how they are communicated to workers . The message that has now reached most organizations on the market is that work cannot be a cause of suffering and stress for workers, but an opportunity to enhance the personality and skills of each and every one.

Some of the factors that influence a person's psychological and physical well-being in the workplace are:

  • the motivation;

  • the sense of belonging;

  • the correct circulation of information;

  • flexibility;

  • people's trust;

  • collaboration.

When talking about workplace well-being, the first thing to do is that this is part of the company culture and values. Only in this way will it be possible to implement effective and true strategies aimed at increasing corporate well-being and team building.

When a company takes care of the well-being of its collaborators, the worker's motivation grows as he perceives that the organization invests in his well-being , and this will also be visible in his work performance.

Furthermore, it is always the company's task to create the conditions to make collaborators feel involved and try to create a sense of belonging. To do this, the best thing is always to start with the company actively listening to the needs and requirements of its people.

But what do workers ask companies today? To get an initial idea, we carried out a survey to investigate this topic more deeply and to find out what solutions we could give them.

What is the most used tool to promote organizational well-being? Why is it important to establish a corporate organizational wellbeing observatory?

Given these premises, how can the company promote organizational well-being among its collaborators? The most used tool to promote corporate wellbeing is the Corporate Organizational Wellbeing Observatory .

This body within the company will have the precise task of keeping track of the functional or non-functional areas of the organization in order to intervene promptly both at the individual worker level and at the organizational level.

When you find yourself in stressful situations in work contexts, it is useful to investigate where this imbalance arises and how to prevent it. The Observatory will be able to monitor these dysfunctional levels and provide collaborators with useful tools to deal with a complex moment at work without this affecting motivation and performance.

How can we promote employee empowerment?

More and more today we read about organizational empowerment, but what is it and how to promote it?

There is no clear definition, but organizational empowerment means that set of actions aimed at creating working conditions in which collaborators are able to recognize and make use of their personal potential to achieve objectives for themselves and for the organization .

The basis of this concept is precisely that of knowing how to enhance the capabilities of individuals in order to allow them to reach their maximum potential . This process starts first of all from the company which will have to implement some strategies to spread a positive and empowered corporate culture. These include activities that promote:

  • independent work on projects to increase individual responsibility

  • the pro activity and initiative of the worker

  • a transparency of feedback between managers and the rest of the team

  • the recognition of successes , as an individual and as a group

  • training courses related to soft skills to help achieve personal and organizational goals

In this way, an organizational culture based on work empowerment is advantageous both for the collaborators because with motivation and greater skills they will carry out actions to achieve the objectives, and for the company which will benefit in terms of performance and internal success.

How does corporate well-being impact productivity?

In conclusion, corporate well-being has a real impact on work productivity because it creates the conditions in which workers' motivation levels grow, as well as satisfaction levels for achieving objectives. The company will be able to count on loyal collaborators ready to collaborate according to company values.

If you want to know more, read Trainect's article on well-being and productivity.

Trainect is the wellbeing platform that helps you improve and monitor the psycho-physical well-being of employees in an engaging and easy-to-use way, increasing employee engagement and, consequently, productivity.

Do you want to delve deeper into the topic of Wellbeing and understand how to implement it in your company? Book a call for free!

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