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Promote a Positive Work Climate for Corporate Wellbeing

Promoting a positive working climate for corporate wellbeing involves the concept of psychological safety, which is increasingly important for organisations. Feeling safe in the workplace was fundamental before but it is decidedly strategic today in the era of knowledge workers where the value produced by a worker is directly related to his or her state of health.

According to Amy C. Edmondson, pioneer of studies on psychological safety at work and professor at Harvard Business School, psychological safety exists when people feel that the place where they work is an environment in which they can express themselves freely , propose ideas and ask questions without fear of being scolded or embarrassed.

In this article we will see how some fundamental aspects to create a positive working climate through psychological safety such as:

  • Create a company culture based on trust and collaboration

  • Promote open communication and constructive feedback

  • Recognize and celebrate employee successes

  • Effectively manage conflict and promote peaceful resolution

What is psychological safety?

Psychological safety in the company refers to employees' perception of feeling safe in expressing their ideas, concerns and opinions without fear of negative consequences such as criticism, sanctions or reprisal . In a work environment with high psychological safety, employees feel free to speak openly, express doubts and concerns, ask for help and offer suggestions for improving the job.

Why is this important and how does it relate to trust and collaboration?

Psychological safety is important for several reasons:

  • it is the basis for the well-being of people in the company, as it reduces stress and anxiety associated with the fear of being judged or criticized

  • promotes creativity and innovation , as employees feel free to propose new ideas without fear of being judged or ridiculed

  • promotes collaboration and teamwork , as employees are more likely to share information and ask for help when they need it

  • promotes a more positive and productive work environment , increasing employee engagement and reducing the risk of turnover.

What happens if there is a lack of psychological safety?

One of the most frequent mistakes found among Executives is underestimating the fact that the state of stress and excessive pressure must be temporary (i.e. linked to particularly intense periods and particular efforts). Accepting that it will continue, underestimating the consequences and/or thinking that it is "normal" is not a good idea at all and seriously jeopardizes creativity and effectiveness, which are enormously weakened.

Cognitive sciences have widely demonstrated that fear generates discomfort and inhibits learning and cooperation. Fear, in fact, activates the functioning of the amygdala, the part of the brain that deals with the recognition of threats. According to neuroscientific research, fear inhibits learning mechanisms, consumes physiological resources, taking them away from the parts of the brain that manage working memory and process new information, thus damaging analytical thinking, creativity and the ability to solve problems. The level of psychological safety also influences the degree of employee satisfaction with consequent effects on productivity and the value generated.

Why is it important to celebrate employee successes?

Celebrating employee successes is crucial to promoting a positive work climate and psychological safety within the organization. Here because:

  • Motivation and trust: Celebrating employee successes recognizes and values their work and results. This creates a feeling of motivation and confidence in one's abilities, encouraging employees to continue giving their best and achieving new goals.

  • Commitment and satisfaction: Employees who feel appreciated and celebrated for their successes are more engaged in their work. This high level of commitment translates into greater professional satisfaction and a sense of personal accomplishment, contributing to a positive and stimulating work climate.

  • Cohesion and collaboration: Celebrating employee successes fosters a sense of cohesion and collaboration within the team and organization. Employees feel part of a group that supports and supports each other, creating a harmonious and collaborative working environment.

At the same time, it is essential to effectively manage the conflict and encourage peaceful resolution precisely because with clear and transparent communication it is possible to create a safe climate of discussion in which people feel free to express their ideas.

Do you want to know how to create psychological safety in your team?

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