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How Happiness at Work Improves Wellbeing

Can you be happy while working?
Should work be associated with suffering?

Happiness in the workplace is a concept that is gaining more and more attention. Work is a place, physical or virtual, where we spend most of our time, approximately 90,000 hours in our lives and it must be a source of happiness and satisfaction. At Trainect, we firmly believe in the value of happiness at work and its positive impact on the general well-being of employees which cascade to bring clear benefits on motivation, engagement, productivity and value generated.

Being happy at work is not a "nice to have", it's a business fact!

Practices for Cultivating a Positive Work Environment

Creating a positive work environment doesn't happen by accident; it is the result of careful and targeted practices. This includes everything from ensuring safe and ergonomic working conditions, to promoting an inclusive and supportive company culture. Some key strategies include:

  • Open and Transparent Communication: Ensure open communication channels between employees and management.

  • Recognition and Appreciation: Show appreciation for work done and recognize successes.

  • Flexibility and Work-Life Balance: Offer flexibility in working hours and promote a balanced work-life balance.

You can learn more about Work Life Integration in this article on our blog.

Happiness at work is a topic addressed by positive psychology, founded by psychologist Martin Seligman. Happiness is an active, intentional pursuit, and it depends on us for more than 50% (the rest is a genetic fact). So we can work to be happy, even at work

Role of Workers in Creating a Happy Environment

Workers play a crucial role in creating and maintaining a happy working environment. Their active participation, through constructive feedback and collaboration, is crucial. Some ways employees can contribute include:

  • Maintain a positive attitude: Each individual's attitude can significantly influence the overall atmosphere of the work environment.

  • Support among Colleagues: Be available to support colleagues not only in specific tasks, but also by offering listening and understanding.

Martin Seligman talks about 5 key elements to be happy:

  1. Positive emotions: ability to experience positive emotions

  2. Engagement: engagement, motivation and involvement towards challenging and useful objectives to realize talents and aptitudes

  3. Relationship: building authentic relationships and a sense of community

  4. Meaning: clarity of a dimension of meaning and purpose that go beyond the mere activities to be carried out and which connect to the dimension of values

  5. Achievement: the need to grow and achieve goals, the feeling of making progress towards something important

Involving HR in Promoting Corporate Happiness

If people can intentionally pursue happiness, the company has a responsibility to create a healthy, well-being-oriented work environment.

The Human Resources department plays a key role in promoting happiness in the company.

HR can in fact:

  • Develop Wellness Programs: Implement initiatives that promote mental and physical health, such as corporate fitness or psychological support programs.

  • Training and Development: Offer opportunities for professional and personal growth, which can increase satisfaction and motivation.

Well-being and happiness at work are not only ideals to aspire to, but are factors that offer tangible benefits for both employees and companies. Here are some of the main benefits:

  • Increased Productivity: Happy workers are more motivated and productive. Their positive energy translates into better quality work and greater engagement in daily activities.

  • Better Physical and Mental Health: A positive work environment reduces stress and related health problems. This leads to reduced absenteeism and increased mental presence at work.

  • Innovation and Creativity: Happiness at work fosters an environment where people feel free to express innovative ideas and explore creative solutions to problems.

  • Reduced Turnover: A happy and healthy work environment reduces employee turnover. Workers tend to stay longer in companies that value their well-being.

  • Improved Corporate Image: Companies known for their commitment to employee well-being attract quality talent and improve their reputation in the market.

At Trainect, we understand that well-being and happiness at work are essential not only to the individual well-being of employees, but also to the long-term health and success of the company. Investing in a positive work environment is an investment in the future of the organization.

Book a free call with our experts who will help you design the most suitable wellbeing strategy for your company.

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