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Corporate well-being in the production sector to increase engagement

With C. Tessile SpA, a company specialized in the production of high-end fabrics, we are building an ad hoc path to achieve some objectives in terms of organizational well-being, including in particular the increase in mental and emotional well-being and in general increasing the engagement of their people.

For this reason, we recently organized a live coaching class, i.e. a frontal lesson, but also a moment of discussion, in which their team was able to listen and put into practice the advice of our Mindfulness Coach Sara Usai.

To attract attention and increase the involvement of Canclini people on attention to their well-being, we supported the initiative with the help of some of Trainect's totems in their offices, in the break room and in some other meeting spaces. Collaborators can scan the QR code to land directly on one of our various mental wellbeing-themed contents.

To delve deeper into the initiative and find out how Trainect is helping the people of Canclini1925 to increase their well-being, Maria Reale, our Customer Success, interviewed Valentina Alberici, Sustainability Coordinator of C. Tessile SpA

Why did you approach a platform to increase and monitor your level of well-being and what led you to choose Trainect?

Valentina tells us that the Covid period, for a textile company like theirs, was very tiring : the moment of blockade involved the company's operations and all its people within it. The intermittent restart has allowed people to develop a new routine with new needs . Valentina explains to us:

" Bringing balance and serenity within the company, from the workers' point of view, was fundamental. Our CEO, Simone Canclini, found the solution to this need in Trainect, which he discovered through a panel of start-ups -up accelerate. He was captivated by the technology and approach and decided to activate Trainect to bring some peace of mind back to the company."

What were the main and most immediate advantages found after adopting Trainect?

Ours is an atypical business case being a manufacturing company and, having specific areas for a specific job or activity, everyone has a personal routine and it is difficult to establish the team approach that companies usually adopt.

Valentina tells us that they managed to increase team building also through Trainect, which allowed them to get closer and have an additional topic in common to discuss even during a coffee break.

Above all, however, it gave collaborators greater self-awareness and a tool to also use to help manage working hours perceived as more stressful, through a guided meditation or content on how to manage stress.

Are there any contents that people are preferring over others? And in your opinion why?

According to Valentina, the most popular video contents are those related to Mindfulness and nutrition, although those related to financial well-being, recently on our platform, have aroused a lot of interest. While among the most listened to podcasts there are those regarding a sustainable lifestyle. Valentina also adds an interesting reflection:

A user who already has his niche outside of Trainect is unlikely to be interested in content from that sphere; but he is more attracted to videos and podcasts on topics with which he is less familiar.

How is the Trainect platform perceived within the company?

It is not perceived as an obligation, on the contrary! I noticed a certain excitement: everyone was interested in accessing it as many times as they could, I often saw cell phones with the Trainect app open during coffee breaks! Our goal was achieved: increase company engagement and build a routine.

Together with Valentina, we built a personalized communication on the collaborators of C. Tessile SpA ., studying their habits and needs: we also launched a challenge dedicated to wellness breaks that could best fit into their daily lives.

In your opinion, what does Wellbeing mean and what are its essential elements?

For Valentina, the concept of Wellbeing revolves around the soul of the company, which are the people who make it up . A virtuous circle in which the well-being of the person is directly connected to that of the company, also bringing economic benefits.

Before Trainect we adopted corporate welfare programs with the support of training courses. With Trainect we have managed to act on psychophysical well-being, with particular attention to mental health. The balance of a person's emotions, especially after Covid-19, needed to be supported by the company and we intervened.

Thank you Valentina for the experience you shared with us!

Trainect is the wellbeing platform that helps you improve and monitor the psycho-physical well-being of employees in an engaging and easy-to-use way, increasing employee engagement and, consequently, productivity.

Do you want to delve deeper into the topic of Wellbeing and understand how to implement it in your company? Book a call for free!

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