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Co-design and wellbeing: how to create the best solution for people

In our revolutionary journey to build a culture of well-being we are not alone. Trainect's well-being ambassadors, people passionate about the topic, actively accompany us in spreading the key concepts to create sustainable working environments.

In this article, Silvia Aguzzoli, HR Specialist and well-being ambassador of Trainect , makes us reflect on how collaboration, listening and co-design allow us to create truly useful well-being solutions for people at work.

Wellbeing: from welfare to ideal, based on people strategy

The theme of corporate well-being has taken space, has evolved in recent years and has become an important aspect for businesses and organisations, going from being interpreted initially as a mere welfare of services offered to employees, then to an ideal condition of work-life balance to to strive for and today as a constitutive element of the people strategy.

The in-depth analysis of the difference between the concept of welfare and corporate wellbeing is explained in detail in our blog What is Corporate Wellbeing and why is it different from corporate welfare?

This also leads us to an increase in attention towards the actual effectiveness of the corporate wellbeing initiatives implemented, which management also asks us as HR to verify: the so-called ROI of wellbeing.

Co-Design of wellbeing

It is useful today to address wellbeing in a planning way, with a co-design mindset and operations, taking into account the available internal resources, company budgets and the possibility of relying on experts in the topic.

For a point-by-point analysis you can read the article on our blogImplementing an Effective Corporate Wellbeing Program .

The co-design approach promotes active involvement more people and can help ensure that the strategy is aligned with the needs and priorities of employees and that there is therefore more effectiveness in achieving objectives. Furthermore, communicating with some collaborators helps us increase their effective engagement, in a concrete and not superficial way.

What are the steps of this journey?

  • The first task is to begin to understand, with the support of a specialist, which aspects of work and non-work aspects (health, emotions, financial concerns...) that most influence the well-being of our employees. HR or the external consultant can discuss with the representative roles the issues that have come to their attention so far.

  • It is possible to consider preparing surveys and questionnaires for people, illustrating the topic and asking for their voluntary involvement also in a focus group with HR, to share their perception of well-being and in particular on the areas of possible improvement in wellbeing.

  • Once the areas of wellbeing to be implemented have been outlined, the co-design advances through moments of discussion that are constitutive of it and involves moments of information on the possible responses to the needs that have emerged which are often different and require a solution that is varied and allows for the improvement of different situations in an equitable manner and personal.

  • It is important that management is operational together with HR and the consultant in evaluating the service/services to be introduced to encourage the new of living of the company population. It is decided how to outline the chosen solution , in the case of Trainect an application is offered that allows the employee to personalize the online content available based on personal objectives and interests , the timing and scheduling is defined, the strategy is drawn up communication with which employees will be informed.

Matteo Sola, Advisor of Trainect and HR Managaer of Iliad, specifies which elements need to be considered more specifically in the strategic role of HR. For further information you can find the complete article in our blog: The strategic role of HR for corporate wellbeing: interview with Matteo Sola .

  • After this design phase we go on stage: the initiatives are introduced and implemented with the involvement of the key roles and ad hoc training for the recipients. The co-design activity does not end here, in fact it is essential to monitor and share the outcomes that emerge from the next step: reporting.

  • It is important to measure the results of the corporate wellbeing strategy to check whether it is having the desired effect. Data is collected from direct feedback (which does not take long to arrive), through any pulse surveys and from meetups with the operational contact person. On the basis of these it is possible to choose to evaluate actual parameters (e.g. perception of psycho-physical well-being, perception of the possibility of personal growth or sense of self-efficacy...) relating them, for example, to turnover.

This information is shared with the aim of measuring the effect of wellbeing data on people and business data. It also allows us to recalibrate the possibilities, in fact the co-design of wellbeing is a process that can return on itself to evaluate and act on people's living and working conditions with the aim of making them not only more effective but more sustainable in the long run period.

Do you want to measure the effects of your wellbeing initiatives with Trainect's OKR framework? Book a free call with our Wellbeing Designers who will help you understand the best solutions for your organization.

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